About alam_bakshi
I am a working in government department as engineering technician, and zeal with Homeopathy, I am worked hard to learn the homeopathy, since june 2012, i am working under verious homeopaths and doctors,and established Kashmir Homeopathy practitions community, I am associated with verious Homeopathy organisations and spreaded waves of awareness nationaly and internationally, I becomes more popular as homeopath and naturopath ...popularly known as Dr.Alam Bakshi.
I have start my the homeopathy online course of Hpathy.com,and leaned the materal medica of william Boericke MD
And also learned the software tools associated with homeopathy.
I am practice homeopathy while learning and cured about 60 patients who have chronic deseas..
I am very much joyous when I get Associate Membership of DHMA
Thanks very much the team DHMA
And Espacially Dr.Deepak sir.